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Bismillāh ar-Rahmān ar-Rahīm







    a. Belief in Allah (Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā)

    Allah, Allah, Verse numbers (48:2), (48:3), (48:4), (48:5), (48:6), (48:7), (48:9), (48:10), (48:11), (48:13), (48:14), (48:15), (48:16), (48:17), (48:18), (48:19), (48:20), (48:21), (48:23), (48:24), (48:25), (48:26), (48:27), (48:28), (48:29), (49:1), (49:3), (49:5), (49:7), (49:8), (49:9), (49:10), (49:12), (49:13), (49:14), (49:15), (49:16), (49:17), (49:18), (50:26)

    Ni‘mah, Favour (of Allah), (48:2), (49:8)

    Nasran ‘Azīzā, Mighty Help (from Allah), (48:3)

    Lillāh, to Allah, for Allah, (48:4)

    wa Lillāhi junūdus-samāwāti wal-ard, and to Allah belong the hosts (forces) of the heavens and the earth, (48:4)

    Billāh, about Allah, (48:6)

    ghadib Allahu ‘alayhim, the wrath of Allah is on them (the hypocrites and the polytheists), (48:6)

    Arāda, He (Allah) intends, He (Allah) wills, (48:11)

    wa Lillāhi Mulkus-samāwāti wal-ard, and to Allah belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth, (48:14)

    yaghfiru liman Yashā’u wa yu‘adhdhibu man Yashā’, He (Allah) forgives who He wills and punishes who He wills, (48:14)

    Kalām Allah, Words of Allah, (48:15)

    Wa‘adakumullāh(u), Allah has promised you, (48:20)

    Āyah, Sign (from Allah), (48:20)

    qad ahāt Allah(u) bihā, Allah has surely encompassed it (Allah encompasses everything), (48:21)

    wa lan tajida li Sunnatillāh(i) tabdīlā, and you will never find any change in the Way of Allah, (48:23)

    Sunnat Allah, the Way of Allah, (48:23)

    Rahmatihī, His (Allah’s) Mercy, (48:25)

    fa ‘Alima mā lam ta‘lamū, but He (Allah) knew what you know not, (48:27)

    Fadlan minAllah(i) wa Ridwānā, Grace from Allah and His Good Pleasure, (48:29)

    Fadl, Grace (of Allah), (48:29), (49:8)

    Ridwān, Good Pleasure (of Allah), (48:29)

    Maghfirah, Forgiveness (from Allah), (48:29), (49:3)

    Amrillāh, Command of Allah, (49:9)

    innAllah(a) yuhibbul-muqsitīn, surely, Allah loves the just ones, (49:9)

    Sabīlillāh, the Way of Allah, (49:15)

    Wallāh(u) ya‘lamu mā fis-samāwāt(i) wa mā fil-ard, and Allah knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, (49:16)

    innAllah(a) ya‘lamu ghayb as-samāwāt(i) wal-ard, surely, Allah knows the unseen of the heavens and the earth, (49:18)

    Wallāh(u) Basīr(un) bimā ta‘malūn, and Allah is All-Seeing of what you do, (49:18)

    qad ‘Alimnā mā tanqusul-ard(u) minhum, We (Allah) know what the earth diminishes of them (their dead bodies in the graves), (50:4)

    wa Ahyaynā bihī baldatan maytā, and thereby We (Allah) gave life to a dead city, (50:11)

    wa laqad Khalaqnal-insān(a), and indeed We (Allah) created man, (50:16)

    wa Na‘lamu mā tuwaswisu bihī nafsuhū, and We (Allah) know what his own self whispers to him, (50:16)

    wa Nahnu aqrabu ilayhi min hablil-warīd, and We (Allah) are nearer to him than his jugular vein, (50:16)

    mā yubaddalul-qawl(u) Ladayya, the sentence coming from Me (Allah) cannot be changed, (50:29)

    wa mā Ana bi zallāmin lil-‘abīd, and nor do I wrong the servants, (Allah does not wrong the servants), (50:29)

    Nuh, We (Allah) give life, (50:43)

    wa Numīt, and We (Allah) cause death, (50:43)

    Nahnu A‘lamu bimā yaqūlūna, We (Allah) Know best what they (the disbelievers) say, (50:45)

    b. Belief in the Malā’ikah (Angels)

    al-mutalaqqiyān, the two receivers (recording angels), (50:17)

    raqīb(un), a watcher (to record the deeds, refers to the recording angel), (50:18)

    ‘atīd, ready (to record the deeds, refers to the recording angel), (50:18)

    sā’iq, driver (refers to an angel of Allah), (50:21)

    shahīd, witness (refers to an angel of Allah), (50:21)

    qarīn, companion (angel), (50:23)

    c. Belief in the Kutub (Revealed Scriptures)

    at-Tawrāt, the Tawrāt (the Torah, the Old Testament), (48:29)

    al-Injīl, the Injīl (the Gospel), (48:29)

    al-Qur’ān, the Qur’ān, (50:1)

    d. Belief in the Rusul, Allah’s Messengers (‘alayhimussalām)

    Innā Arsalnāka, Surely, We (Allah) have sent you (O Prophet, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam), (48:8)

    Huwalladhī Arsala Rasūlahū, He (Allah) is the One Who has sent his (Prophetic) Messenger (Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam), (48:28)

    Rasūlullāh, the (Prophetic) Messenger of Allah (refers to Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam), (48:29)

    an-Nabī, the Prophet (refers to Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam), (49:2)

    Rasūlillāh, the (Prophetic) Messenger of Allah (refers to Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam), (49:3)

    Rasūl Allah, the (Prophetic) Messenger of Allah (refers to Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam), (49:7)

    Rasūl, (Prophetic) Messenger (of Allah) (refers to Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam), (48:9), (49:1)

    ar-Rasūl, the (Prophetic) Messenger (of Allah) (refers to Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam), (48:12)

    (Nabī) Nūh (‘alayhissalām), Prophet Nūh (‘alayhissalām), (50:12)

    (Nabī) Lūt (‘alayhissalām), Prophet Lūt (‘alayhissalām), (50:12)

    ar-Rusul, the (Prophetic) Messengers of Allah, (50:14)

    e. Belief in the Day of Judgement and the Hereafter

    Jannāt, Gardens (of Paradise), (48:5)

    al-anhār, the streams (of Paradise), (48:5), (48:17)

    Fawz(an) ‘Azīmā, the Great Triumph, the Supreme Success (in the Hereafter), (48:5)

    jahannam, hell, (48:6), (50:24)

    sā’at masīrā, worst destination (refers to hell), (48:6)

    ajr, reward (from Allah), (48:10), (49:3)

    ajr(an) ‘azimā, a great reward (from Allah), (48:10)

    sa‘īrā, a blazing fire (of hell), (48:13)

    ajr(an) hasanā, a good reward (from Allah), (48:16)

    ‘adhāb, punishment (from Allah for bad deeds), (48:16), (50:26)

    ‘adhāb(an) alīmā, a painful punishment (from Allah for bad deeds), (48:16)

    wa‘ad Allahulladhīna āmanū wa ‘amilus-sālihāt(i) minhum Maghfiratan wa ajr(an) ‘azīmā, Allah has promised those of them who believe and do good deeds, Forgiveness and a great reward, (48:29)

    al-khurūj, the coming out (of the graves), Resurrection (of the dead), (50:11)

    as-Sūr, the Trumpet (refers to the Trumpet that will be blown on the Day of Judgement), (50:20)

    Yawmul-Wa‘īd, the Day of Warning (refers to the Day of Judgement), (50:20)

    wa jā’at kullu nafs(in) ma‘ahā sā’iq(un) wa shahīd, and every person will come forth, with it a driver (angel) and a witness (angel), (50:21)

    fa Kashafnā ‘anka ghitā’aka fa basarukal-Yawm(a) hadīd, now We (Allah) have removed from you your covering, so your sight this Day is sharp, (50:22)

    alqiyā fī jahannam(a) kulla kaffārin ‘anīd

    mannā‘in lil-khayri mu‘tad(in) murīb,
    (Allah will command the two angels) both of you, throw into hell every stubborn disbeliever,
    hinderer of good, transgressor, doubter, (50:24-25)

    al-wa‘īd, warning (of punishment from Allah for bad deeds), (50:28)

    yawm(a) Naqūlu li jahannam(a) hal imtala’ti, the Day when We (Allah) shall say to hell: are you filled up?, (50:30)

    wa taqūlu hal min mazīd, and it (hell) will say: are there more to come?, (50:30)

    wa uzlifatil Jannat(u) lil-muttaqīn(a), and Paradise shall be brought near to the pious, (50:31)

    al-Jannah, Paradise, (50:31)

    hādhā mā tū‘adūna li kulli awwāb(in) hafīz, this (Paradise) is what you were promised, for every one turning (to Allah) in sincere repentance, preserver (of His Sacred Law), (50:32)

    Yawmul-khulūd, the Day of eternal life, (50:34)

    la hum mā yashā’ūna fīhā wa Ladaynā mazīd, there they will have all that they desire and We (Allah) have much more yet, (50:35)

    wastami‘ Yawm(a) yunādil-munādi, and listen! The Day (of Resurrection) when the caller will call out, (50:41)

    Yawm, the Day (of Judgement), (50:41)

    Yawm(a) yasma‘ūnas-sayhata bil-haqq, the Day they will hear the uproar in truth, (50:42)

    Yawmul-khurūj, the Day of coming out (of the graves), the Day of Resurrection, (50:42)

    wa Ilaynal-masīr, and to Us (Allah) is the final return, (50:43)

    Yawm(a) tashaqqaqul-ard(u), the Day the earth will split, (50:44)

    hashr, the gathering (on the Day of Judgement), (50:44)

    f. Belief in al-Qadr (Divine Destiny)

    wa ‘indanā Kitāb(un) Hafīz, and with Us (Allah) is a Preserved Book (of Allah’s Decrees and people’s destiny), (50:4)

    wa jā’at sakratul-mawt(i) bil-Haqq, and the agony of death comes with the truth (of damnation or felicity), (50:19)