Bismillāh ar-Rahmān ar-Rahīm
a. Good Deeds (Other than those already mentioned)
Hijrah, Migration (for the sake of Allāh and RasūlAllāh), Hadīth number 1
sadaqta, you have said the truth, 2
iqāmis-Salāh, establishing and performing the Prayers, 3
ītā’iz-Zakāt, paying the obligatory annual charity, 3
Hajj il-Bayt, making the Pilgrimage to the House of Allāh in Makkah, 3
Sawmi Ramadān, fasting in the month of Ramadān, 3
an-Nasīhah, good advice, sincerity, 7
hafiztu, I memorized (a Saying of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam), 11
tarkuhu mā lā ya‘nīhi, leaving alone that which does not concern him, 12
yuhibba li akhīhi, loves for his brother, 13
al-hasanah, good deed, 18
as-Sadaqah, charity, 23
amr bil-ma‘rūf, to enjoin good deeds, 25
nahy ‘an munkar, to forbid evil, 25
tu‘īnu, to help, 26
kalimatut-tayyibah, a good word, 26
ta‘dilu, to act justly, 26
tumītul-adhā, removing a harmful thing, 26
Sunnah, what the Prophet (Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) said, did, or approved of, 28
wa‘aza, to give a sermon, to exhort, 28
al-Jihād, to fight non-Muslims for the sake of Allāh, 29
at-taqwā, piety, 35
yatlūna Kitāb Allāh wa yatadārasūnahu baynahum, reciting the Book of Allāh, (reciting the Qur’ān), and studying it among themselves (taught by an ‘ālim, a learned Muslim scholar), 36
al-hasanāt, good deeds, 37
hasanatan kāmilah, a full good deed, 37
qarraba Ilayya, to draw near to Me (to Allāh), 38
an-Nawāfil, additional voluntary good deeds, supererogatory works, 38
b. Bad Deeds
kathratu masā’ilihim, their excessive questioning, 9
ikhtilāfuhum ‘alā anbiyā’ihim, their disagreeing with their Prophets, 9
as-sayyi’ah, bad deed, 18
mūbiq, bringing to ruin, 23
dhunūb, sins, 24
ithm, sin, wrongdoing, 27
dalālah, going astray, misguidance, 28
al-khatī’ah, sin, 29
munkar, evil action, 34
sharr, evil, 35
as-sayyi’āt, the bad deeds, 37
al-khata’a, (what is done by) mistake, 39
khatāyā, sins, 42