Bismillāh ar-Rahmān ar-Rahīm
a. People
abī, father of, Hadīth number 1
ibn, son of, 1
imra’, man, 1
imra’ah, woman, 1
rajul, man, 2
umm, mother, 4
an-nās, people, 6
malik, king, 6
ar-rā‘ī, the shepherd, 6
‘āmmah, all the ordinary people, the common folk, 7
sibt, grandson, 11
al-mar’, the man, 12
akh, brother, 13
jamā‘ah, community, 14
ghulām, boy, 19
ummah, nation, community, 19
kullun-nās, everyone, 23
‘Ibādī, My servants (Allāh addresses His servants), 24
ins, human being, 24
jamī‘an, all, 24
kulla wāhid, everyone, 24
qawm, community, 33
‘Ibād Allāh, servants of Allāh, 35
ikhwān, brothers, 35
mu‘sir, needy person, 36
‘Abdī, My servant (Allāh talks about His servant), 38
Ummatī, my people, my community (Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam, talks about his community), 39
‘ābiru sabīl, a traveller, wayfarer, 40
gharīb, stranger, 40
ibn Ādam, son of Prophet Ādam (‘alayhissalām), (refers to human beings in general), 42
b. Allāh’s Gifts to People (The human body and what it contains)
rukbatay, knees, 2
kaffay, palms of hands, 2
fakhidhay, thighs, 2
sha‘r, hair, 2
batn, stomach, 4
al-qalb, the heart, 6
jasad, body, 6
dimā’, blood, 8
yaday, hands, 10
dam, blood, 14
sulāmā, digital bone (of the hand or foot), joint of the body, 26
sadr, breast, chest, 27
qulūb, hearts, 28
‘uyūn, eyes, 28
lisān, tongue, 29
alsinah, tongues, 29
wujūh, faces, 29
yad, hand, 34
rijl, foot, 38
mankib, shoulder, 40
c. The Earth and what it has
dunyā, this world, 1
yawm, day, 2
mat‘am, food, 10
mashrab, drink, 10
al-ard, the earth, 23
al-layl, the night, 24
an-nahār, the day, 24
bahr, sea, 24
dābbah, animal, 26
al-mā’, water, 29
an-nār, fire, 29
as-sabāh, morning, 40
al-masa’, evening, 40
‘anān, clouds, 42
d. The Universe
as-samā’, the heaven, the sky, 10
ash-shams, the sun, 26
e. Colours
bayād, white, 2
sawād, black, 2
f. Other Creations of Allāh
ar-rūh, the spirit, 4
rizq, provisions, sustenance provided by Allāh, 4
ajal, lifespan, 4
nutfah, seed, 4
‘alaqah, clot of blood, 4
mudghah, piece of flesh, 4
tayyibāt, good things, 10
nafs, self, 13
an-nafs, a life, 14
aqlām, pens (which write the destiny of people), 19
as-Suhuf, the Pages (on which destiny is written), 19
nūr, light, 23
jinn, jinn, 24
abwāb al-khayr, the gates of goodness, 29
tarīqan ilal-Jannah, a path to Paradise, 36
‘ilm, knowledge, 36
as-sakīnah, tranquility, 36
Buyūtillāh, Houses of Allāh, 36
hayāt, life, 40
mawt, death, 40