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Bismillāh ar-Rahmān ar-Rahīm




a. Nouns (Other than those already mentioned)

al-a‘māl, actions, deeds, Hadīth number 1

niyyāt, intentions, 1

julūs, sitting, 2

thiyāb, clothes, 2

athar, signs, 2

safar, journey, 2

sabīl, way, a path, 2

khayr, good, 2

al-mas’ūl, the one who is questioned, 2

as-sā’il, the questioner, 2

bunyān, buildings, 2

kalimāt, words, matters, 4

‘amal, action, 4

amr, matter, 5

umūr, matters, 6

‘ird, honour, 6

al-himā, sanctuary, 6

amwāl, property, wealth, 8

haqq, right, 8

masā’il, questions, questioning, 9

tayyib, pure, good, 10

malbas, clothes, 10

an-nasr, the victory, 19

diyā’, illumination, 23

burhān, proof, 23

hujjah, argument, proof, 23

mikhyat, needle, 24

al-kalimah, a word, 26

khatwah, step, 26

tarīq, road, 26

maw‘izah, sermon, 28

as-sam‘, hearing, 28

at-tā‘ah, obedience, 28

‘azīm, major matter, 29

junnah, shield, 29

‘amūd, pillars, 29

abwāb, doors, gates, 29

ashyā’, things, 30

nisyān, forgetfulness, 30

māl, property, 35

kurbah, worldly grief, worry, distress, 36

nasab, lineage, 36

harb, war, 38

hawā, inclination, desire, 41

b. Plurals

Rasūl Allāh, the Messenger of Allāh, 1
Rusul, Messengers (sent by Allāh), 2
al-Mursalīn, the Messengers of Allāh, 10

an-Nabī, the Prophet, 2
Anbiyā’, Prophets, 9

al-malak, the angel, 4
malā’ikah, angels, 2

‘amal, action, 4
al-a‘māl, actions, deeds, 1

amr, matter, 5
umūr, matters, 6

al-qalb, the heart, 6
qulūb, hearts, 28

tayyib, pure, good, 10
tayyibāt, pure, good things, 10

akh, brother, 13
ikhwān, brothers, 35

dam, blood, 14
dimā’, blood, 8

shay’, thing, 17
ashyā’, things, 30

al-hasanah, good deed, 18
al-hasanāt, good deeds, 37

as-sayyi’ah, bad deed, 18
as-sayyi’āt, bad deeds, 37

ajr, reward (from Allāh), 25
ujūr, rewards (from Allāh), 25

al-kalimah, a word, 26
kalimāt, words, 26

Isnād, Chain of narrators of a Hadīth, 27
Asānīd, Chains of narrators of a Hadīth, 31

al-khatī’ah, sin, 29
khatāyā, sins, 42

lisān, tongue, 29
alsinah, tongues, 29

yad, hand, 34
yaday, both hands, 10

māl, property, 35
amwāl, properties, wealth, 8

‘Abdī, My servant (Allāh talks about His servant), 38
‘Ibādī, My servants (Allāh talks about His servants), 24

c. Opposites

khayr, good, 2
sharr, evil, 2

shaqiyy, unhappy, wretched, unfortunate, 4
sa‘īd, happy, blessed, fortunate, 4

al-Jannah, Paradise, 4
an-Nār, Hell-Fire, 4

salaha, to be wholesome, 6
fasada, to be diseased, 6

ar-rakhā’, prosperity, 19
shiddah, adversity, difficulty, 19

faraj, relief, 19
karb, affliction, 19

‘usr, hardship, 19
yusr, ease, 19

na‘am, yes, 22
, no, not, 16

awwal, first, 24
ākhir, last, 24

atqā, most pious, 24
afjar, most wicked, 24

amr, to enjoin, 25
nahy, to forbid, 25

ma‘rūf, good deeds, 25
munkar, bad deeds, 25

halāl, lawful, permitted, 25
harām, unlawful, prohibited, inviolable, 25

birr, righteousness, 27
ithm, sin, wrongdoing, 27

al-hasanāt, the good deeds, 37
as-sayyi’āt, the bad deeds, 37

sihhah, good health, 40
marad, illness, 40

hayāt, life, 40
mawt, death, 40

d. Personal Pronouns

hu, he, him, 1

, her, 1

humā, they (dual, masculine), 1

nahnu, we, 2

ka, you (masculine, singular), 2

kum, you (masculine, plural), 2

huwa, he, 4

, it, 4

hu, it, 5

huwa, it, 5

hunna, them (feminine), 6

hiya, it (feminine), 6

, we (qulnā, we said), 7

tum, you (masculine, plural), 9

ana, I (refers to Allāh), 24

, us (wa‘azanā, exhorted us), 28

hum, them (masculine), 36

e. Possessive Pronouns

hu, his, hijratuhu, his migration, 1

hi, his, Rasūlihi, His (Allāh’s) Messenger, 1

himā, their, sahīhayhimā, their two Sahīhs, 1

, it, amārātihā, its signs, 2

, her, rabbatahā, her mistress, 2

kum, your (masculine, plural), dīnakum, your religion, 2

, our, amrinā, our matter, 5

him, their, ‘āmmatihim, their common folk, 7

hum, their, dimā’ahum, their blood, 8

ī, my, ‘Ibādī, My (Allāh’s) servants, 24

ka, your (masculine, singular), nafsika, your soul, 27

f. Relative Pronouns

, what, that which, 1

man, who, 1

alladhayni, both (masculine), 1

Alladhī, One Who (refers to Allāh), 4

alladhīna, those who (masculine), 9

man, whoever, 36

allatī, which (feminine), 38

g. Interrogative Pronouns

man, who?, 2

liman, to whom?, 7

a, do you?, 22

h. Demonstrative Pronouns

dhālika, that (masculine), 4

hādhā, this (masculine), 5

hādhihi, this (feminine), 37

i. Adjectives (Other than those already mentioned)

shadīd, very, extremely, exceedingly, 2

jā’i‘, hungry, 24

kathīr, a lot of, much, 28

ahabba, more loved, 38

j. Verbs

qāla, to say, he said, 1

jalasa, to sit, he sat, 2

atā, to come, he came, 2

wada‘a, to place, he placed, 2

sami‘tu, I heard, 3

buniya, has been built, 3

dhakara, to mention, he mentioned, 10

sa’ala, to ask, he asked, 22

mu‘tiq, freeing, 23

naqasa, to decrease, he decreased, 24

wajada, to find, he found, 24

akhadha, to take, he took, 29

jā’a, to come, he came, 31

ra’ā, to see, he saw, 34

satara, to shield, he shielded, 36

salaka, to follow, he followed, 36

bayyana, to explain, he explained, 37

basarahū, his seeing, 38

sam‘ahū, his hearing, 38

balagha, to reach, he reached, 42

k. Prepositions

‘an, from, 1

bi, with, 1

ilā, to, for, 1

li, for, 1

hattā, until, 2

‘an, about, 2

ka, like, as though, as if, 2

min, from (min-nā, from us), 2

, in, 2

‘alā, on, 3

li, to, 16

l. Conjunctions

fa, so, 1

wa, and, 1

aw, or, 1

thumma, then, 2

lākin, but, however, 33

m. Numbers

ahad, one, 2

khams, five, 3

arba‘, four, 4

arba‘īn, forty, 4

hid, one, 24

ithnayn, two, 26

thalātha, three, 35

hidah, one, 37

‘ashra, ten, 37

sab‘i mi’ah, seven hundred, 37