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Bismillāh ar-Rahmān ar-Rahīm




a. Commands of Allāh (Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā)

kulū minat-tayyibāt wa‘malū sālihā, eat of the good things and do righteous acts, Hadīth number 10

falā tazālamū, do not oppress one another, 24

Fastahdūnī ahdikum, so seek Guidance from Me (from Allāh), I (Allāh) shall guide you, 24

Fastat‘imūnī ut‘imkum, so seek food from Me, I shall feed you, 24

Fastaksūnī aksukum, so seek clothing from Me, I shall clothe you, 24

Fastaghfirūnī aghfirlakum, so seek forgiveness from Me, I shall forgive you, 24

Falyahmadillāh, so Praise Allāh, 24

man ‘ādā lī waliyyan faqad ādhantuhu bil-harb, whosoever shows enmity to a Walī (Friend) of Mine, I have declared war upon him, (A Waliyyallāh is a Friend of Allāh.  The plural of Waliyyallāh is Awliyā’ Allāh.  The Messengers and Prophets sent by Allāh are the most near and dear to Allāh.  Allāh also loves the members of the Beloved Family of the Prophet, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam, and his dear Companions.  He says about them in the Holy Qur’ān: rady Allāhu ‘anhum wa radū ‘anhu which means: Allāh is well pleased with them and they are well pleased with Him {as their Lord}.  Those who followed them with goodness are next in rank.  Among them are the four Imāms of      madh-hab who are also Awliyā’ Allāh.  The sūfī masters since the time of Rasūl Allāh, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam, are all Awliyā’ Allāh, Friends of Allāh who are near and dear to Allāh.), 38

lā tushrik bī shay’an, do not ascribe a partner to Me (to Allāh), 42

Da‘awtanī, call upon Me (that is, call upon Allāh), 42

Rajawtanī, ask of Me (ask of Allāh), 42

Istaghfartanī, ask forgiveness from Me (from Allāh), 42

b. Advices of RasūlAllāh (Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam)

Ta‘budallāha, you should worship Allāh, 2

mā nahaytukum ‘anhu fajtanibūh, what I have forbidden to you, avoid, 9

mā amartukum bihi fa’tū minhu ma’stata‘tum, what I have ordered you to do, do as much of it as you can, 9

da‘ mā yarībuka ilā mā lā yarībuka, leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt, 11

yaqul khayran aw liyasmut, speak good or keep silent, 15

yukrim jārahu, be generous to his neighbour, 15

yukrim dayfahu, be generous to his guest, 15

lā taghdab, do not become angry, do not become overpowered by anger, 16

Ittaqillāh, fear Allāh, (fear Allāh’s punishment for sins), 18

atbi‘is-sayyi’atal-hasanata tamhuhā, follow up a bad deed with a good one and it will wipe it out, 18

khāliqin-nāsa bi khuluqin hasan, behave with people with good manners, 18

Ihfazillāh, be mindful of Allāh, 19

Fas’alillāh, so ask of Allāh, 19

Fasta‘in Billāh, so seek help of Allāh, 19

Ta‘arraf Ilallāh, get to know Allāh, 19

a‘lam, know!, 19

qul: Āmantu Billāh, say: I believe in Allāh, 21

istaqim, be upright, stand firm and steadfast, 21

istafti qalbak, consult your heart, 27

ūsīkum bi Taqwallāh ‘Azza wa Jalla, I advise you to fear Allāh, the Mighty and the Majestic, 28

was-sam‘i wat-tā‘ah wa in ta’ammara ‘alaykum ‘abd, and to listen and give obedience even if a slave becomes your leader (as long as he follows the Qur’ān and the Sunnah), 28

‘alaykum bi-Sunnatī wa Sunnatil Khulafā’ir-Rāshidīn al-Mahdiyyīn, you must keep to my Sunnah and to the Sunnah of the Rightly-Guided Successors, (that is, Sayyidinā Abū Bakr as-Siddīq, Sayyidinā ‘Umar al-Fārūq, Sayyidinā ‘Uthmān Dhun-Nūrayn, and Sayyidinā ‘Ali al-Murtadā, rady Allāhu ‘anhum), 28

tuqīm-us-Salāh, you should establish and perform the Prayers, 29

tu’tiz-Zakāt, you should pay the obligatory annual charity, 29

tasūmu Ramadān, you should fast in the month of Ramadān, 29

tahujjul-Bayt, you should make the Pilgrimage to the House (of Allāh in Makkah), 29

kuffa, restrain (the tongue), 29

Innallāha farada farā’ida falā tudayyi‘ūhā, Indeed, Allāh has prescribed the obligatory religious duties, so do not neglect them, 30

falā ta‘tadūhā, so do not overstep them (Allāh’s boundaries), 30

falā tantahikūhā, so do not violate them (prohibited things), 30

falā tabhathū ‘anhā, so do not discuss things (about which Allāh was silent), 30

azhad fid-dunyā yuhibbak Allāh, be ascetic (abstinent) in the world and Allāh will love you, 31

azhad fīmā ‘indan-nās yuhibbak an-nās, be indifferent to what people possess and people will love you, 31

darar, there should be no harming, 32

wa lā dirār, and there should be no retaliation, 32

lā tahāsadū, do not envy one another, 35

lā tanājashū, do not inflate prices one to another, 35

lā tabāghadū, do not hate one another, 35

lā tadābarū, do not turn away from one another, 35

lā yabi‘ ba‘dukum ‘alā bay‘i ba‘d, do not undercut one another in trade, 35

kūnū ‘Ibādallāhi ikhwānā, O servants of Allāh, be brothers, 35

kun fid-dunyā ka’annaka gharībun aw ‘ābiru sabīl, be in the world as though you were a stranger or a traveller, 40

c. Teachings of Rasūl Allāh (Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam)

innamal-a‘mālu bin-niyyāt, surely, actions are but by intentions, 1

buniyal-Islāmu ‘alā khamsin, Islām has been built on five (pillars), 3

innal-halāla bayyin, that which is lawful is plain, 6

wa innal-harāma bayyin, and that which is unlawful is plain, 6

ad-Dīn un-nasīhah, Religion is sincerity, 7

Innallāha Ta‘ālā Tayyibun lā yaqbalu illā tayyiban, indeed, Allāh the Almighty is Pure and accepts only that which is pure, 10

min husni Islāmil-mar’i tarkuhu mā lā ya‘nīhi, part of someone’s being a good Muslim is his leaving alone that which does not concern him, 12

lā yu’minu ahadukum hattā yuhibba li akhīhi mā yuhibbu li nafsihi, none of you (truly) believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself, 13

Innallāha Katabal-ihsān ‘alā kulli shay’, indeed, Allāh has prescribed excellence in all things, 17

an-nasra ma‘as-sabr, victory comes with patience, 19

al-faraja ma‘al-karb, relief comes with affliction, 19

anna ma‘al-‘usri yusrā, that ease comes with hardship, 19

at-tuhūru shatr ul-Īmān, purification is half of faith, 23

Al-Hamdu Lillāhi tamla’ul-mīzān, Al-Hamdu Lillāh (all Praise is for Allāh) fills the scale (of good deeds), 23

Subhānallāhi wal-Hamdu Lillāhi tamla’ān aw tamla’u mā baynas-samā’i wal-ard,

Subhānallāh (Glorified is Allāh) and Al-Hamdu Lillāh (all Praise is for Allāh) both fill or each fills that which is between the Heaven and the earth, 23

as-Salātu nūrun, Prayer is light, 23

as-Sadaqatu burhānun, charity is a proof, 23

as-sabru diyā’un, patience is illumination, 23

al-Qur’ānu hujjatun laka aw ‘alayka, the Qur’ān is an argument for you or against you, 23

kulli Tasbīhatin Sadaqah, every Tasbīh is a charity, (Tasbīh is to recite Subhānallāh, Glorified is Allāh), 25

kulli Takbīratin Sadaqah, every Takbīr is a charity, (Takbīr is to recite Allāhu Akbar, Allāh is Supremely Great), 25

kulli Tahmīdatin Sadaqah, every Tahmīd is a charity, (Tahmīd is to recite Al-Hamdu

Lillāh, all Praise is for Allāh), 25

kulli Tahlīlatin Sadaqah, every Tahlīl is a charity, (Tahlīl is to recite lā ilāha Illallāh, there is no god but Allāh), 25

amr bil-ma‘rūf Sadaqah, to enjoin good deeds is a charity, 25

nahy ‘an munkar Sadaqah, to forbid evil is a charity, 25

fī bud‘i ahadikum Sadaqah, in the sexual act of each of you (with your spouse) there is a charity (because it keeps you away from unlawful sex), 25

ta‘dilu bayna ithnayni Sadaqah, to act justly between two people is a charity, 26

tu‘īn-ur-rajula fī dābbatihi Sadaqah, to help a man with his mount is a charity, 26

al-kalimat ut-tayyibatu Sadaqah, a good word is a charity, 26

kulli khatwatin tamshīhā ilas-Salāti Sadaqah, every step you take to go for Prayers (to the Masjid) is a charity, 26

tumītul-adhā ‘anit-tarīqi Sadaqah, removing a harmful thing from the road is a charity, 26

al-birru husnul-khuluq, righteousness is good morality, righteousness is good character, 27

al-ithmu mā hāka fī nafsika wa karihta an yattali‘a ‘alayhin-nās, wrongdoing is that which wavers in your soul and which you dislike people finding out about, 27

as-Sawmu junnah, fasting is a shield, 29

as-Sadaqatu tutfi’ul-khatī’ah, charity extinguishes sin, 29

ra’sul-amri al-Islām, the peak of the matter is Islām, 29

‘amūduhu as-Salāh, its pillar is Prayer, 29

dhirwatu sanāmihi al-Jihād, its topmost part is Jihād, 29

al-bayyinatu ‘alal-mudda‘ī, the onus of proof is on the claimant, 33

al-yamīnu ‘alā man ankara, swearing an oath is required of him who denies (the charge against himself), 33

al-Muslimu akhul-Muslim, a Muslim is the brother of a Muslim, 35

lā yazlimuhu, he (a Muslim) does not oppress him (another Muslim), 35

lā yakhdhuluhu, he does not fail him (another Muslim), 35

lā yakdhibuhu, he does not lie to him (another Muslim), 35

lā yahqiruhu, he does not hold him (another Muslim) in contempt, 35

kullul-Muslimi ‘alal-Muslimi harām damuhu wa māluhu wa ‘irduhu, the whole of a Muslim for another Muslim is inviolable: his blood, his property, and his honour, 35

, for me, for my sake (for the sake of the Prophet, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam). (As mentioned in this Hadīth, Allāh, Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā, has privileged the followers of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam, in many ways for his sake, in his honour), 39

lā yu’minu ahadukum hattā yakūna hawāhu taba‘an limā ji’tu bihi, none of you (truly) believes until his inclination is in accordance with what I have brought, 41

d. Requests by People to Prophet Muhammad (Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam)

akhbirnī, inform me, 2

awsinī, advise me, counsel me, 16

awsinā, advise us, 28

dullanī, direct me, 31