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- Fasting is the fourth pillar of Islam.
- Fasting means not eating or drinking from dawn to dusk.
- We fast because Allah has commanded us in the Qur’an to do so.
- We fast in the whole month of Ramadan. This is fard (compulsory).
- Ramadan is the month when the Qur’an was revealed.
- In Ramadan all the doors to Jannah (Paradise) are open.
- Ramadan is the month of training for us to become good Muslims.
- When we fast, we are reminded of the hunger of poor people and we become more charitable.
- We break our fast when the sun has set.
- It is Sunnah to break our fast with dates or water.
- In the month of Ramadan it is good to complete the recitation of the Holy Qur’an or to memorize it.
- In Ramadan there is a night called Lailatul-Qadr. If you pray on that night it is better than praying for a thousand months.
- After Ramadan comes the festival of Eid which marks the end of the month of fasting.
- If you miss one or more fasts in Ramadan because you are on a journey or sick, you repay by fasting after Eid-ul-Fitr.
- If you are a child under the age of twelve, it is not compulsory to fast, but if you are mature and sane you must keep all your fasts.
- Children are trained to fast when they are as young as seven. When the child completes his or her first fast, it is a day of great joy in the family.
- Even Christians fast, but the way they fast is different.
- Ramadan moves ten or eleven days ahead of the Christian calendar.
- Fasting in Ramadan is fard (compulsory).
- Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) used to fast on other days too. These are called Sunnah fasts.
- If you do something good in Ramadan, you get a reward seventy times more than in other months.
- If you pray Salat an-nafl in Ramadan, you get thawab (heavenly reward) of Salat al-fard.
- If you give Zakat (compulsory charity) and Sadaqah (voluntary charity) in Ramadan, the rewards in heaven are even greater.
- We should try to become good, charitable, kind-hearted and pious Muslims by doing more and more good deeds in the month of Ramadan.
- Fasting is a training to become good Muslims and avoid evils such as backbiting, lying, cheating, quarreling, gambling, or stealing.
- When you do something bad in Ramadan, the sin is even greater.
- We should pray to Allah to forgive our sins and make us good Muslims.
- All this has been taught to us by our Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi wa Sallam).