Isra’ and Mi‘raj and the many Noble Attributes of Prophet Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam)
Our Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) has many attributive titles. Some of these noble attributes connected with the miracle of Isra’ and Mi‘raj are:1. Sahib al-Mi‘raj: the one who ascended to the heavens on Mi‘raj.
2. Sahib al-Buraq: the one who rode the Heavenly animal called Buraq on his night journey.
3. Sahib at-Taj: the one crowned on the night of Mi‘raj.
4. Sayyid al-Mursalin, the leader of all the Prophetic Messengers of Allah as he led them in Prayer in Masjid al-Aqsa on his night journey.
5. Imam al-qiblatayn: the leader of the two qiblas, first in the direction of Bayt al-Maqdis, and then in the direction of the Ka‘ba in Makka.
6. Habibullah: the Beloved of Allah whom Allah called up to Himself.
7. ‘Abdullah: the Special Devotee of Allah, as Allah refers to him as ‘Abdihi (His Special Devotee) in verse (17:1).
8. Sahib qaba qawsayn: the one who on Mi‘raj reached such proximity in the Presence of Allah as to be at a distance of only two bow lengths (qaba qawsayn) or even nearer (aw adna) as mentioned in verse (53:9).Many of these attributive names have been captured in As-Salat at-Tajiyya (the Blessing on the one who was crowned on Mi‘raj) of Shaykh Abi Bakr bin Salim Ba ‘Alawi.
Sallu ‘alal Habib
Allahumma salli wa sallim ‘alayhInvoke (Allah’s) blessings on the Beloved (Prophet)
May Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him.