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- Sayyidina Nabi Adam (Alayhissalam) was the first person Allah created.
- Sayyidina Adam (Alayhissalam) was made out of clay.
- When Allah intends something, He just says: Be, and it becomes.
- Allah breathed His Spirit into Sayyidina Adam (Alayhissalam).
- Allah told all the angels and the jinn to do sajda (prostration of respect) to Sayyidina Adam (Alayhissalam) but Iblis refused because he was arrogant. He said he was superior because he was made of fire whereas Sayyidina Adam (Alayhissalam) was made of clay.
- For that reason, Iblis was turned into shaitan, the rejected (shaitan-ir-rajim).
- Allah has taught us in the Qur’an not to follow the ways of shaitan but to follow the Straight Path of Islam.
- We should avoid all bad deeds such as drinking alcohol, taking drugs, bribery, gambling, and cheating. We should not be arrogant, jealous or selfish.
- We should please Allah by doing all good deeds such as performing the Five Pillars of Islam; being good to parents, family, friends and neighbours; keeping our hearts and body clean; and being patient, honest, truthful and sincere.
- When Allah created Sayyidina Adam (Alayhissalam), He taught him all the names.
- Sayyida Hawwa (Alayhassalam) was created from a rib of Sayyidina Adam (Alayhissalam).
- Sayyidina Adam (Alayhissalam) married Sayyida Hawwa (Alayhassalam).
- They lived in Jannah ( Paradise).
- They were tricked by Shaitan and ate the fruit that was strictly prohibited by Allah.
- They were then sent to earth.
- Sayyidina Adam (Alayhissalam) prayed for seventy years for forgiveness from Allah. Allah forgave him, and he was re-united with Sayyida Hawwa (Alayhassalam) on Jabal Rahmah (the mount of mercy) near the plain of Arafat.
- Sayyidina Nabi Adam (Alayhissalam) and Sayyida Hawwa (Alayhassalam) are the parents of all the human beings.
- Their first two sons were Habil and Qabil.
- Sayyidina Nabi Adam (Alayhissalam) was the first Prophet sent by Allah to guide the people.