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Sayyidina Nabi Ibrahim (Alayhissalam) is one of the five greatest Prophets sent by Allah. These Prophets are called Ulul Azm in the Holy Qur’an.
- He is called Khalilullah or Friend of Allah.
- Christians call him Abraham.
- He lived in a country called Babylon which is now called Iraq.
- We learn about him from the Qur’an and Hadith.
- We also learn about him from Muslim history.
- Surah (Chapter) fourteen in the Holy Qur’an has been named Surah Ibrahim. It is in the thirteenth part (juz) of the Holy Qur’an.
- He has also been mentioned in many other verses of the Holy Qur’an.
- He loved Allah, the One and True God.
- People in his time worshipped idols.
He taught the people to worship Allah and not to worship idols but they did not listen to him. So one day, he took an axe, chopped the smaller idols into pieces, and kept the axe on the shoulder of the big idol. They asked him who had done it. He told them to ask the big idol because the axe was on its shoulder. They told him he knew very well that idols cannot talk. So he asked them why they worshipped idols which had no power to do anything.
So the people were mad at him and their king Nimrud decided to throw him into a fire. So they prepared a big fire and threw him into the fire but Allah told the fire to become cool and safe for Nabi Ibrahim (Alayhissalam). The fire became cool for him and he came out of it safe and sound. This is one of the miracles of Nabi Ibrahim (Alayhissalam).
- Nabi Ibrahim’s (Alayhissalam) wife was Sayyida Hajra (Alayhassalam).
- Nabi Ibrahim and Sayyida Hajra went to Makkah when no one lived there.
- Nabi Ibrahim left Sayyida Hajra and their baby son Sayyidina Ismail in Makkah.
Once when her baby was thirsty, Sayyida Hajra (Alayhassalam) ran between the hills of Safa and Marwa seven times to search for water. When she went back to her son, she saw water gushing at his feet. She cupped the water to stop flooding of the place. This is the blessed water of Zam Zam in Makkah which we drink to this day.
And when we go for Hajj, we run between the hills of Safa and Marwa because Sayyida Hajra (Alayhssalam) ran between these hills. This shows our love for her.
- Once Sayyidina Nabi Ibrahim (Alayhissalam) had a dream that he had to sacrifice his son, Sayyidina Ismail (Alayhissalam). He told his dream to his son who said that he should obey Allah’s Command. When he was about to sacrifice his son, Angel Jibril (Alayhissalam) substituted a ram in the place of Sayyidina Ismail (Alayhissalam) and gave him Allah’s salams (greetings) and said that his dream had been fulfilled.
- On the day of Eid al-Adha, we sacrifice a lamb or a goat to celebrate and remember that sacrifice of Sayyidina Nabi Ibrahim (Alayhissalam). This shows our love for Nabi Ibrahim (Alayhissalam) and Nabi Ismail (Alayhissalam).
- Sayyidina Nabi Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) is the descendant of Sayyidina Nabi Ismail (Alayhissalam).
- Sayyidina Nabi Ibrahim (Alayhissalam) and Sayyidina Nabi Ismail (Alayhissalam) built the Kaba in Makkah.
- Just beside the Kaba is Maqam Ibrahim. When we go for Hajj, we pray two raka Salat as-Sunnah near Maqam Ibrahim. Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) taught us to do that. Al-Hamdu Lillah, all praise is for Allah.
- In our Salah (Prayer), we recite As-Salat Ibrahim in which we ask Allah to bless Sayyidina Nabi Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) and his Family just as He blessed Sayyidina Nabi Ibrahim (Alayhissalam) and his Family.