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- We learn about the history of Sayyidina Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) from the Holy Qur’an and Hadith.
- We also learn about his history from Sirah (biography).
- We love Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) as we love all the Prophets of Allah. We say (Alayhissalam) after mentioning his name. It means: peace be upon him.
- He is Kalimullah, which means “the one who talked with Allah.”
- He is a Rasul, a Prophetic Messenger of Allah.
- Of the twenty five Prophets mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, he has been mentioned by name the greatest number of times.
- He is one of the Ulul Azm, the five greatest Prophets.
- The kitab called Tawrat was revealed to him.
- His father’s name was Imran.
- His brother was Sayyidina Harun (Alayhissalam) who was also a Prophet.
- Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta‘ala) says in the Holy Qur’an:
Salaamun ‘alaa Musa wa Harun
Peace be upon Musa and Harun. (37:120)
- Sayyidina Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) met Sayyidina Nabi Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) on Mi‘raj.
- Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) was sent as a Prophet to the Jews. He taught his people to worship the One and Only God, Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta‘ala) and he taught his people Prayer and charity.
- One of the du‘a of Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) given in the Holy Qur’an is:
Rabbish-rah lee sadree Wa yassir lee amree
O my Lord! Open my breast for me. And make my task easy for me. (20:25-26)
- The king of Egypt in the time of Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) was called Firawn. He was a cruel king who had turned the people of Bani Israel into slaves. He taught the people that he was god.
- He came to know that a boy will be born of the Bani Israel who will destroy him, so he ordered that any boy who is born to a family of the Bani Israel should be killed.
- So when Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) was born, his mother feared for his safety. So Allah inspired her to put him in a basket and let him float away in the River Nile. She obeyed the Command of Allah. The basket floated all the way to the palace of Firawn. The servant of Firawn brought it inside. Sayyidah Asiya (Alayhassalam), Firawn’s wife loved the baby and adopted him. Maryam, the sister of Nabi Musa had followed the basket to the palace. She suggested she could search for a wet nurse for him. Sayyidah Asiya (Alayhassalam) agreed, and so Maryam brought her own mother as the wet nurse. Thus Nabi Musa was restored to his mother who nursed him.
- In this way, Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) was raised up in the house of Firawn, the king of Egypt.
- We learn from this incident that Allah does what He likes.
- Sayyidah Asiya (Alayhassalam), Firawn’s wife, who adopted Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) was a very pious lady. She is one of the four greatest women in Islam.
- Now we come to the history of Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) as an adult.
- Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta‘ala) appointed him as His Prophet and spoke to him on mount Sinai.
- Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) wanted to see Allah. Allah told him he would not be able to see Him. But Allah told him to look at the mountain and when he saw the Light on the mountain, he fainted.
- Allah told him to go to Firawn and to tell him to worship only Allah, the One and Only God to be worshipped. So Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) went to Firawn and conveyed to him the Command of Allah. He told him to free his people.
- When Firawn heard this, he wanted to imprison him so Allah ordered Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) to throw down his stick and it turned into a snake.
- So Firawn ordered his magicians to come. They threw down their sticks and they turned into serpents. Then Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) threw down his stick and it turned into a bigger serpent which swallowed all the small serpents. Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) then put his hand forward and when he touched the big serpent, it turned into a stick again. This was one of his miracles. The magicians begged forgiveness of Allah and declared that they believed in Allah.
- Finally, Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) and his followers, the Jews, were able to escape the cruelty of Firawn.
- Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) crossed the Sinai desert on foot together with his followers.
- After they had escaped from Firawn, they were thirsty and they asked Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) for water. He hit the stone with his stick and twelve springs burst forth for twelve different groups.
- The Jews once asked Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) to bring them food from the heavens, so he asked Allah for food which was sent from the heavens. It was manna and salwa.
- Once, Nabi Musa (Alayhisslam) fasted for 40 days and then Allah spoke to him on Mount Sinai and gave him the Ten Commandments.
- When Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) was away, Samiri, an evil man made a calf from gold and asked the Bani Israel to worship it. This made Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) very angry.
- Allah ordered his followers not to be corrupt and not to spread mischief on earth.
- Another incident occurred in the time of Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam). There was a very rich man at that time called Qarun. Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) advised him to give Zakat but he refused. He was very arrogant because of his wealth. He thought he was rich because he was clever. As a punishment, the earth swallowed him up together with his wealth.
- One day, Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) gave a very impressive sermon. Someone asked him: “Is there anyone more learned than you?” He answered: “No”. So Allah told him no one can possess all the knowledge. So he asked Allah where to find the man who knew more than him. Allah told him to put a fish in a vessel and take it with him, and when the fish disappeared, he would meet that man. When they reached a place where two rivers met, the fish wriggled out and went into the river. Then Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam), met Hadrat Khidr (Alayhissalam), the saint whom Allah had given great knowledge. This incident has been narrated in both the Holy Qur’an and Hadith.
- Firawn finally wanted to kill Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam). So his army chased him and his followers. When they reached the Red Sea, Allah ordered Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) to throw his stick in the sea. When he did that, the sea parted and a way was made in the middle for Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) and the Bani Israel to pass. Then Firawn and his men came. When they entered the path in the Red Sea and started crossing it, the path closed up on them and Firawn and his men were drowned. In this way, Allah saved Nabi Musa (Alayhissalam) and his followers.
- All praise is for Allah, the Lord of the worlds.