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Sayyidina Nabi Nuh (Alayhissalam) is one of the five greatest Prophets sent by Allah. These five greatest Prophets are called Ulul Azm in the Holy Qur’an.
- He is one of the greatest Prophets who came after Nabi Adam (Alayhissalam).
- He loved Allah.
- He taught people to worship Allah and not to worship idols.
- His wife and one of his sons didn’t believe in Allah.
- They also didn’t believe that Nabi Nuh (Alayhissalam) was a Prophet.
- He had a hard time conveying the message of Allah to the people as even his wife and son went against him.
- He has been mentioned in many verses in the Holy Qur’an.
- A chapter of the Holy Qur’an has been named after him called Surah Nuh.
- He is also mentioned in the Hadith (Sayings) of our Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi wa Sallam).
- He lived for nine hundred and fifty years.
- He lived in the country which is now called Iraq.
This is a short story about Sayyidina Nabi Nuh (Alayhissalam). One day Allah revealed to him that a flood was coming. Allah also revealed to him to make a boat for the people so that they could be saved. When he was making the boat together with his followers, people started to laugh at him because there was no water. When the flood came, everyone who wanted to be saved went in the boat. Sayyidina Nabi Nuh (Alayhissalam) also took on the boat a male and a female of each type of animal and creature. His wife and son thought that they could save themselves on their own so they went to a mountain. But they ended up drowning in the flood, together with the wicked people who refused to go on the boat. Everyone who went on the boat was saved. They thanked Allah for saving them.
- Christians call him Noah.