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- Kalima Tayyiba is the first pillar of Islam.
- The Kalima is the first basic belief of Muslims.
- The words of the Kalima are:
Laa Ilaha Illallah Muhammad ur-Rasulullah
which means:
None is to be worshipped except Allah.
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.- It is called Kalima Tayyiba
- Tayyiba means “Pure”.
- When someone recites and believes in the Kalima, he/she becomes a Muslim.
- Reciting the Kalima is the identity of a Muslim.
- When recited, it is the key to Paradise. That is why Muslims love to recite it everyday.
- Everyday before you go to sleep you should recite Laa Ilaha Illallah a hundred times. When you’ve finished that, recite the whole Kalima once, then go to sleep.
- Reciting the Kalima has more reward than all the good deeds. On the Day of Judgment all the good deeds are going to be put on one side of the scale and the Kalima is going to be put on the other side of the scale and the Kalima is going to be heavier.
- Once in Germany lightening struck some trees. When the lightening struck, the lightening made out the Kalima on the tree trunks and branches.
- In Germany, trees have grown with the Will of Allah in the shape of the Kalima.
- To put a baby to sleep, recite
Hasbee Rabbi Jallallah
Maa Fee Qalbi Gairullah
Nur Muhammad Sallallah
Laa Ilaha Illallah.This is our lullaby. It means:
Sufficient for me is my Lord, Allah, The Majestic
There is none other than Allah in my heart
The Light of Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him
None is to be worshipped except Allah- The Kalima is also recited in Salah after Attahiyyatu.
- Each Prophet (‘Alayhissalam) has a Kalima. The Kalima of our Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) is Kalima Tayyibah.
- The knowledge of the Kalima is called Ilmu-ut-Tawheed.
- We learn about Ilmu-ut-Tawheed from our sufi shaykhs.
- When children first learn to speak, teach them the Kalima.
- The Kalima is written on the Muslim flags.
- The Kalima is also to be found in the verses of the Qur’an.
Laa Ilaha Illallah appears in one verse and
Muhammad ur-Rasulullah in another verse.- Every Muslim prays to Allah that when he/she dies, may the Kalima
Laa Ilaha Illallah Muhammad ur-Rasulullah
be on his/her lips so they can go to Jannah (Paradise).- Before you say anything in the morning recite the Kalima.
- When you’re reciting the Kalima you’re remembering Allah.
- The Kalima is the best Zikr according to a Hadith (Saying) of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam).