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- Salah is the Muslim Prayer to worship Allah, The One and Only God to be worshipped.
- We worship Him in Salah and ask Him for forgiveness.
- Salah is the second Pillar of Islam.
- Salah keeps us away from bad deeds.
- It makes us good hearted Muslims.
- We have to be very humble in our Prayers before Allah.
- We get thawab (heavenly reward) if we pray Salah.
- Our Beloved Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) received Salah as a gift from Allah when he went for Mi‘raj (his Heavenly Ascension).
- We have to face in the direction of the Ka‘ba when we pray Salah.
- Our Qiblah is the Ka‘ba in Makkah.
- There are Fard, Wajib, Sunnah, and Nafl Salah.
- Fard Prayers are the most important. They are obligatory and must be performed.
- Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) has recommended that we go to the masjid to pray Fard Prayers, and if we do that, we get twenty seven times the thawab (heavenly reward).
- We stand shoulder to shoulder in rows when we pray Salah in congregation. This shows the unity of Muslims. It also shows the equality of all Muslims before Allah.
- We pray Salah five times a day.
- The names of the five times daily Fard prayers are Fajr, Zuhr, ‘Asr, Maghrib and ‘Isha.
- We have to pray Salat al-Fajr after dawn before sunrise.
- We have to pray Salat al-Zuhr after midday.
- We have to pray Salat al-‘Asr in the late afternoon when the sun has declined and before it actually begins to set.
- We have to pray Salat al-Maghrib after sunset.
- We have to pray Salat al-‘Isha at night time when the stars normally come out.
- Before we pray Salah, we have to have wudu (ablution) and make sure that the Adhan (call to Prayer) has been given.
- Wudu helps to wash away our minor sins. It also keeps us clean, neat and tidy.
- Minor sins committed in between two Salah are forgiven by Allah.
- Before we pray Salah, our body, our clothes and the place where we pray must be clean.
- When ladies and girls pray Salah, they must wear a hijab. When men and boys pray Salah, they must wear a cap.
- This is how we perform a Salah with two rakah.
We start Salah in a standing position, which is called Qiyam.
We make the niyya (intention) of performing Salah.
Then we say Allahu Akbar which means: Allah is Supremely Great.
We recite Surah al-Fatiha and at least three short verses or one longer verse from the Qur’an. People normally recite a short Surah (chapter) from the Qur’an.
Then we say Allahu Akbar and go in Ruku, which means to bow down and put your hands on your knees. In Ruku, we recite Subhana Rabbiyal ‘Azim three times. It means: Glory be to my Lord, The Great.
Then we get up from Ruku and stand straight. When we do that, we recite:
Sami‘ Allahu liman Hamidah
Rabbana Lakal Hamd
which means:
Allah has listened to him who has praised Him
Our Lord! Praise be to You!Next, we say Allahu Akbar and go in Sajdah or prostration. That position is when we get closest to Allah. In Sajdah we recite Subhana Rabbiyal A‘la three times. It means: Glory be to my Lord, The Most High.
Then we say Allahu Akbar and sit up. Once again we say Allahu Akbar and go in the second Sajda and recite the same thing.
This completes our first rakah of Salah.
We say Allahu Akbar and stand up once again and perform our second rakah.
At the end of the second rakah, we sit up in the Qa‘da position. In this position, we recite the Tashahhud, Salat Ibrahimiyya, and Du‘a.We complete the Salah by turning our face first to the right and then to the left, each time saying:
As-salamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatullah
which means:
Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah.- Each Prayer has some number of rakah to be prayed. For example:
The Fard of Salat al-Fajr has two rakah.
The Fard of Salat al-Zuhr has four rakah.
The Fard of Salat al-‘Asr has four rakah.
The Fard of Salat al-Maghrib has three rakah.
The Fard of Salat al-‘Isha has four rakah.
- If the Salah has three or four rakah, we recite only the Tashahhud at the end of two rakah and we recite the Tashahhud, Salat Ibrahimiyya and Du‘a at the end of the third or the fourth rakah in the sitting position.
- After we have finished praying Salat al-Fard, we have to recite Subhanallah (Glory be to Allah) thirty-three times, Al-Hamdu Lillah (All Praise is for Allah) thirty-three times, Allahu Akbar (Allah is Supremely Great) thirty-four times, and make Du‘a. Part of the Du‘a is: Astaghfirullah (I beg forgiveness of Allah).
- The person who leads the Salah is called the Imam. People who follow the Imam in Prayer are called Muqtadi.
- We have to start praying Salah at the age of seven.
- Parents also get thawab (heavenly reward), if their children pray Salah before puberty, but after they attain puberty, the children are fully answerable, not the parents.
- For each and every Salah a person prays, the thawab (heavenly reward) also goes to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) because he is the one who brought us Islam and taught us Salah.
- When we pray Salah, we have to concentrate, look down, never look around and only think of Allah.
- We should never miss the Salat al-Fard (obligatory Prayer).
- Those who miss a Salat al-Fard at its proper time, have to repay it by praying it later. This is called “qada”.
- We should also pray all the Salat as-Sunnah. These are the additional Prayers that our Beloved Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) prayed. We should also pray the Salat an-Nawafil which are optional. In this way, we draw ourselves closer to Allah.
- For example, before Salat al-‘Isha, we pray Salat as-Sunnah. After Salat al-‘Isha we pray Salat as-Sunnah, Salat an-Nawafil and Salat al-Witr. Salat al-Witr is Wajib and next in importance to Fard.
- We pray Salat al-Jumu‘a (Friday Prayers) in the congregational masjid at the time of Zuhr.
- We also love to pray 20 rakah Salat at-Tarawih after Salat al-‘Isha in the month of Ramadan. The recitation of the whole Qur’an is completed in Salat at-Tarawih.
- We pray Salat al-‘Id on the days of ‘Id al-Fitr and ‘Id al-Adha.
- We pray Salat al-Janaza (Funeral Prayer) before the burial of someone who has passed away and pray to Allah to forgive him or her and give him or her a high place in Paradise.
- May Allah accept our Prayers and make us good Muslims, Amin.