Writings of
Rady Allāhu ‘AnhuTranslated by Muhtar Holland
Concerning the ten obligations that must be discharged
before pious restraint [wara‘]can acquire its full significance.The penitent cannot realize the full significance of pious restraint [wara‘] unless he recognizes that ten things are strictly incumbent upon him:
- The first of these obligations is to guard against using the tongue for backbiting [ghība], because He has said (Exalted is He):
And do not backbite one another. (49:12)
- The second obligation is to avoid the tendency to harbor sinister suspicions [sū’ az-zann], since He has said (Exalted is He)
O you who believe, you must avoid a great deal of suspicion, for some suspicion is a sin. (49:12)
And the Prophet (Allāh bless him and give him peace) said:
Beware of suspicion, for it is the most misleading source of information [akdhab al-hadīth].
- The third obligation is to steer well clear of mockery and ridicule [sukhriyya], because He has told us (Exalted is He):
O you who believe, one group of people should not scoff at another group of people, who may be better than they. (49:11)
- The fourth obligation is to lower one’s eyes in the presence of things that should be treated as sacred [mahārim], because He has told us (Exalted is He):
And tell the believing men to keep their eyes downcast [and to guard their private parts]. (24:30)
- The fifth obligation is to be true to one’s word because He has told us (Exalted is He):
And if you give your word, you must act fairly (6:153)That is, you must prove that you really mean what you say.
- The sixth obligation is to acknowledge one’s dependence on the gracious favor of Allāh (exalted is He) as a precaution against self-centered conceit, since He has told us (Exalted is He):
It is rather that Allāh is treating you with gracious favor, inasmuch as He has guided you to faith. (49:17)
- The seventh obligation is to spend one’s wealth on that which has true value [haqq]and not to spend on that which is quite worthless [bātil], because He has told us (Exalted is He):
And [among His faithful servants are] those who, when they spend, are neither prodigal nor parsimonious. (25:67)In other words, they neither spend their wealth on sinful disobedience, nor withhold it from the support of worshipful obedience.
- The eighth obligation is not to go seeking high-and-mighty status and prestige for the sake of self-aggrandizement, because He has told us (Exalted is He):
As for that Ultimate Abode, We shall assign it to those who are neither intent on high-and-mighty status on the earth, nor on corruption. (28:83)
- The ninth obligation is to observe the five ritual prayers [salawāt] at the times prescribed for them each day, following the correct sequence of bowing [rukū‘]and prostration [sujūd], because He has told us (Exalted is He):
Be careful to observe your prayers and [especially] the middle prayer, and stand obedient to Allāh. (2:238)
- The tenth obligation is to stick to the course prescribed by the Sunna and the Jamā‘a, since He has told us (Exalted is He):
And this path of Mine is straight, so follow it. Do not follow other paths, lest you be separated from His path. (6:154)Source: Shaikh ‘Abd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī, Al-Ghunya li-Tālibī Tarīq al-Haqq (Sufficient Provision for Seekers of the Path of Truth), translated by Muhtar Holland, Al-Baz Publishing, Houston, Texas, U.S.A, 1995, Vol II, p. 180-181.