A Compendium of the talks of:
Rady Allāhu ‘Anhu
Compiled by his grandson:
As-Sayyid Muhammad bin Mustafā Bū Numay
Rahmatullāhi ‘alayh
Translated from the Arabic by:
Siddiq Osman Noormuhammad
Dars 1: Good News for the servants of Allah
Dars 2: What Happens in Paradise
Dars 3: The Noble Character of the Servants of Allah
Dars 4: The Paths That Lead To Allah
Dars 5: Bearing Witness: None is to be Worshipped but Allah
Dars 6: The High Position of the Sufis
Dars 7: The Spiritual Progress of a Human Being
Dars 8: Everything is controlled by Allah
Dars 9: The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves
Dars 10: Love for Allah and Prophet Muhammad
Dars 11: The Virtues of Laylatul Qadr
Dars 12: The Angels Record All The Deeds
Dars 13: Hope in the Mercy of Allah
Dars 14: How to invite people to Islam
Dars 15: The Explanation of Surah An-Naas The Last Chapter Of The Quran
Dars 16: Tazkiyat An-Nafs: Self Purification
Dars 17: The Blessed Birth of our Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa Sallam)
Dars 18: Muslims, non-Muslims, Hypocrites and the Spiritual Elite
Dars 19: Allah Says: A Good Word is Like A Good Tree
Dars 20: Draw near to Allah with the Faraid and the Nawafil
Dars 21: The Ninety-Nine Most Beautiful Names Of Allah
Dars 22: Break Your Fast With Dates
Dars 23: Companionship of Arifin (Spiritual Masters)
Dars 24: The Day of Pre-destination
Dars 25: Everyone is Answerable
Dars 26:Teach the Child to Pray Salah at the age of Seven
Dars 27:The Trials of Dajjal (The Imposter)
Dars 28: Respect the Awliya Allah (Friends of Allah)
Dars 29: The Miracles of the Awliya’ Allah
Dars 30: Turn to Allah in obedience
Dars 31: Preceding time periods are better than the ones that follow
Dars 32: Hadith: Faith has more than sixty branches
Dars 33: The Blessing In The Food
Dars 34: Persist in your good deed even if it is little
Dars 35: Good Traditions and Bad Innovations
Dars 36: The Meaning of Du‘a al-Qunut
Dars 37: Be calm whether in ease or in difficulty
Dars 38: Pray Salah with presence of mind and understanding
Dars 39: Obey Allah whether in affluence or in poverty
Dars 40: Ihya 'Ulum I'd-Deen of Imam Al-Ghazali
(Rahmatullahi ‘alayh)Dars 41: Gatherings Of Hadith Recitation With The Fragrance Of Bakhur
Dars 42:The benefits of audition:Listening to Qasaid
Dars 43:Exert against the base lower self to achieve spiritual excellence
Dars 44: The Prophets('Alayhimussalam) and the Martyrs are aliveDars 45: Thank Allah for all His Favours
Dars 46: In Praise of Sabil-il-Iddikar (The Lives of Man) of Imam al-Haddad (Rady Allahu ‘Anhu)
Dars 47: The Wisdom Behind Sayyidina Nabi Adam (‘Alayhissalam) coming to earth
Dars 48: Build up the Balance of Good Deeds
Dars 49: Spiritual States and Spiritual Stations
Dars 50: Worshipping Allah in Laylatul-Qadr
Dars 51: The search for knowledge by the sahaba (Rady Allahu'Anhum)
Dars 52: Strive to achieve everlasting bliss
Dars 53: The noble habits of the sufi masters
Dars 55: The exalted position of the Imams of Madh-hab
Dars 56: Follow the spiritual path of the Pious Predecessors
Dars 57: Qasida al-Burda is Universally Popular
Dars 59: The Blessed Gathering of Ihda ‘Ashariyyah
Dars 60: The Wisdom in the Arrangement of the Chapters of the Qur’an
Dars 61: Recitation of the Qur’an is a meritorious good deed
Dars 62: How the angels and the jinn talk to human beings
Dars 63: Recite Ratib al-‘Attas and Ratib al-Haddad everyday
Dars 64: Angels appear before the pious to inspire and inform them
First dars on page 91: The qasaaid recommended by al-Habib
for regular recitation
DARS (on Page 91): The Hidden Knowledge of Ash-Shaykh Abu Bakr Bin Salim
DARS (on Page 92): ALLAH
Created the Amazing Tongue
DARS (On Page 129): Zikr, Istighfar and Salat ALA’N-NABI
(First Dars on Page 142): Al-Habib’s love for Tafsir an-Nasafi
(Second Dars on Page 142): Al-Habib threw away his watch
(Fourth Dars on Page 142): Al-Habib fondly remembered his shaykh
Dars (on Page 143): Al-Habib’s grandfather loved the poor
Dars (on Page 146): People with perfect yaqin (certitude)
Dars (on Page 148): The authorization of al-Habib to recite “Yaa Latif” and “Yaa Hafiz”
Dars (on Page 156): Our knowledge is as much as what a bird gets when it
pecks from the seaFirst dars on page 158: Allah authorizes the qutb (spiritual pillar) with some special powers
Dars (on Page 158):
Allah loves His servant who persists in asking from Him(First Dars on Page 161): The Importance of Takbirat u’l-Ihram
Dars on page 180: Why people wish to obtain the prayer cap of a WaliyyAllah (Friend of Allah).
Dars on page 189: The tawassul (mediation) of Ahl Tarim (Folk of Tarim).
First Dars on page 191: Advice about the ziyara (visit) to al-Habib Swaleh Jamalillayl (N) in Lamu.
Second Dars on page 191: Al-Habib’s father (N) reached the spiritual rank of nujaba’.
Third Dars on page 191: Al-Habib (N) removed a jinn from someone in Uganda.
Dars on page 198: Al-Habib received spiritual help from his ancestors